CPTO® controls Cash Management for Shell/German Postbank

In a groundbreaking project of Shell Deutschland GmbH, German Postbank AG and Wincor-Nixdorf, a comprehensive automation of all cash processes for the German network of Shell gas stations was achieved. The cost optimized cash replenishment processes in the project are controlled through the CPTO? solution by planfocus software GmbH.

At a total of 1300 Shell gas stations nationwide, customers can now use their stop at the gas station to “refuel cash” at the automated cash register of the gas station. The advantages for all parties are clear to see:

– For the Shell customer, a convenient way to withdraw money is offered around the clock.
– For the gas station, a higher level of security is achieved permanently. At the same time, a clear competitive advantage is achieved through the attractive cash offering for its customers.
– Postbank itself is opening additional cash points, conveniently located for its customers.
– And for cash supply chain logistics – a considerable cost advantage: Through local cash recycling, cash supply costs can be saved – because the verified cash deposits can locally be reused for the next cash withdrawals.

Because the project has put hight demands on the forecasting and optimization of the cash planning as well as CIT control, the choice was made to go with the market leading CPTO? solution by planfocus. The CPTO? software was deployed and is operated at V?B-ZVD Bank, a subsidiary of German Postbank which controls all cash replenishment processes throughout this project. The project was managed by NCR Germany as implementation partner throughout all stages.

The cashflow forecasting of the Shell-Wincor cash recyclers as well as the advanced CIT planning was able to reduce the costs for CIT stops to an absolute minimum. With this, ongoing costs of cash processes are kept in check, even in the light of changing customer behavior. And the complete CIT control and cash ordering processes are operated fully automatically. A key factor for the success was the experience of the planfocus cash management experts with recycling systems and process automation, coupled with the project experience of NCR Germany GmbH.

German Postbank is advertising the new offering with a widely visible campaign – including spots on German TV.



planfocus software GmbH
Werner-Eckert-Straße 9
81829 München, Germany

Tel. +49 (0)89 4521 374-00
Fax +49 (0)89 4521 374-09


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